Tenkara – no – Oni — Masami Sakakibara’s World of Tenkara —



“Kebari” in Japanese translates to “Feathered Hook” and “Turi” to

“Fishing”. “Kebari Turi” is a term used for every kind of fishing

associated with use of a fly in Japan including Tenkara.  We do not

have any written evidence that explain why we call it “Tenkara”.

When did it all begin?  Why is it called “Tenkara”?  Tenkara anglers

and experts have tried to find the answers to these questions in the past.

Since “Kebari” fishing was practiced by mostly illiterate and secretive

mountain professionals, we can only guess the answer.

In his younger years as a Tenkara angler, Masami had many opportunities

to meet and speak with retired professional “Kebari” fishermen, and

has developed a theory of his own about the history of Tenkara.

Here’s what Masami thinks about the history, although Masami would

always mention that “yes, history is important but Tenkara in the

modern day form is what fascinates me.”



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