Tenkara – no – Oni — Masami Sakakibara’s World of Tenkara —


ONI videos

Posted on | September 4, 2012

Team Oni member Davide filmed Tenkara-no-Oni demonstrating his casting techniques in Valsesia, Italy




Masami catches a nice Amago in Nagano August 2012




Tenkara-no-Oni shows how to cast with over-hanging obstacles




Masami catches a beautiful male Amago and runs through the river with it



An Amago Pair Getting Ready to Spawn

Late Fall at a river in Japan, we spotted a pair of Amago conducting the last task of their given time.

The female Amago is scouring the river bed with her tail in sweeping motions

while male Amago guards and keeps the area secure.

Once the spawning bed is ready, they align themselves next to another and the spawning ritual begins.

The female lays her eggs and the male fertilizes them.

Life is beautiful!


Tenkara-no-Oni : Masami Misses a Large Rainbow

This river is open year around only for stocked rainbows. Masami was jerking his fly from upstream

and when a huge rainbow (by Japan standards… about 24 inches) emerges to bite.

Unfortunately Masami was looking down to reposition and misses the fish…

We never saw the fish again. A rare mistake  by the Master.

By Team Oni


↓  Beauty of the Iwana Pair







How to get.


↓ OniTenkaea school in Italy 2015.Sep created by Team Oni in Italy

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