Oni stay& fishing in ITALY 1
Posted on | July 24, 2013
Sean Lennon, the beloved son of John, was aboard the same flight for Rome. The rainbow was out there when I got out of the airport. Lucky me. I came back from Italy. I first arrived in R[…..]
ONI school in Tokyo Trout contory
Posted on | May 21, 2013
archive May 6 (Japanese blog) We had an Oni-class in Tokyo on April 27th and 28th. Sorry this report is late… As always, I have too many things to do! Anyway, it was very nice weather on both days. I[…..]
about Oni-class archive Apr 4(Japanese blog)
Posted on | May 14, 2013
Sorry, Everything so late. Oniwife’s-mother-in-low passed away recently. I don’t want to write about my personal life here, but because some people know only limited information, I’d like to share th[…..]
Oni-class 2013 start!
Posted on | April 30, 2013
This blog is Archive s Mar. 25 Japaneseblog We had Oni-class this weekend. Thank you very much to everyone who came all the way from Kyoto and Tokyo, Tenkara season has started. W[…..]